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Ein Heldenleben

Eiji Oue & Minnesota Orchestra


Data aparitiei: 20.11.2007

Gen: Classical

Casa de discuri: Reference Recordings

99.99 LEI


Published in 1998, Richard Strauss - not a shining example of modesty - wrote himself in honor of this massive tone poem. "A Hero's Life" represents Strauss' compositional skills, which causes a gigantic orchestra on the plan in which involved eight horns, five trumpet and treble horn section. This requires a large virtuosity of all the sections and the Minnesota Orchestra conducted by Eiji Oue overcome this challenge with flying colors. The equally great suite from Strauss's opera "Die Frau ohne Schatten" is less well known, but Oue and his orchestra make it a incomparable experience - first time in digital recording. titles: 1 Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40 2 Interludes From The Woman Without a Shadow 

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